Monday, June 16, 2008

Deux - My Dreams

Do you guys have dreams in life? I bet you all have! As long as we, human beings are alive, we are all yearning for something good (or bad) - either for ourselves or for our loved ones. The contented poor man dreams of eating at least (3) three meals a day. The extravagant rich man dreams of by the span 5 to 10 years his business will expand all over the world. These two men have one thing in common, they all have DREAMS or AMBITIONS they want to realize in due time. 

Just like the two men, I also have dreams in life. Actually, I have a millions of dreams! Call me crazy, insane or anything you want, I am here to share my ambitions in life.

I am a DREAMER, an AMBITIOUS DREAMER! I feel like I'm living in a surreal world, that everything is perfect and everything  you want will be yours. In short, I want to be everything! I want to be an ACTOR (Hollywood/International). I want to be the PRESIDENT of the Philippines. I want to be a SINGER. I want to be an INTERNATIONAL MODEL. I want to be a PERFORMER. I want to be an AMBASSADOR. I want to be a LAWYER. I want to be POPULAR.  I want to be everything!

Now you know how crazy I am! But kidding aside, I really want to be those mentioned above! That is why, my family thinks I'm crazy or I'm just joking. Who would never ever thought that way anyway? I am just an ordinary kid on the block. Nothing is special about me. Nothing's great! I am but a LOSER!

LOSER! Damn! Who cares?! I do not care! Why should I? It's my life. I have reached my legal age. I am a degree holder. I can think on my own. I can decide on my own. I CAN BE WHAT I WANT TO BE! I CAN BE WHO I WANT TO BE! I can be a SOMEBODY! After all, dreaming big will not cost you money!

Despite of everything, I really want to reach all my dreams, ambitions and goals in life! I will try my hardest. I will do everything to get it, to be on the top! I believe that when you want "something", it doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you TRY and give your damn best. Because I do not want to regret it when I get old and dying.

So if I will not be the person that I want to be in the future at least I tried. And I guess, I will just settle for these:  

I could be the GREATEST DAD in the world!

I could be the GREATEST HUSBAND in the world!

I could be the GREATEST BROTHER in the world!

I could be the GREATEST FRIEND in the world!

I could be the GREATEST GRANDPA in the world!

I could be the GREATEST CITIZEN of the Philippines and the world!

These might not give me popularity and international stardom but they will surely be REWARDING!

Well, it will not just stop there! Life is full of SURPRISES, isn't it?

Who knows? I could be the living proof that DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE!


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