Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back Again

It's been four months now that I haven't updated my blog. But these months were great and fruitful.. I missed blogging..really.

Well, for four months, there are many changes in my life now. And I would like to share with you guys..

First off, I'm back as a student now. I am taking up Law in one of the top three law school in the country. Guess which one, haha..

Well, I guess gotta go now, it's 3:17 in the morning now, I have to sleep. I still have a class tomorrow.

My life as a law student is a bit difficult.. really.. It is not easy to be a lawyer, for now, law student. Hahaha..

I'll share it with you next time. Ciao!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Seize - Back After a Respite!

Yes, you got it right! I really am back after a long respite. It's been almost seven months that I haven't checked my blog. And I'm so surprised and elated when I found out of the number of hits and comments posted here.

I missed writing. I missed expressing my thoughts and opinions and sharing my life with you guys.

Seven months have passed and there are lots of stories to tell. I've been busy with my work and I almost forgot that I have a blog to write. Maybe because of AGING or maybe because I just really don't feel like writing.

I don't know how or what story to start telling you. Maybe, I just let my emotion flow. (Emo!Hehehe!)

Well, I am now REGULAR at work effective 31 December 2008, and effective 30 April 2009 I am also planning to RESIGN. Sound absurd, right? Well, I'll tell you about that later.

But before anything else, let me tell you about my work. I am actually doing really, really great! Hehehe. Modesty aside, after a month in PRODUCTION (OPERATION), I already received an award, BEST IN IR (Issue Resolution) for the month of September 2008. Since, I joined production from 15 September 2008, I consistently have a BALANCED SCORECARD, meaning I hit all the metrics from AHT (Average Handling Time), Attendance, Efficiency, can't remember the other, eh... (I'm sleepy! It's my off tonight.)

Well, I guess. I have to go now. See you tomorrow. Promise, I'll tell you in details everything.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Quinze - I'm Back

Yeah... I'm back after three weeks! Haha. How are you guys doing?! I was just busy with my work and still on the process of adjusting.
I had my one week  VA (Voice and Accent) Training last July 7-11. And guess what after the VA? We were like benched out, hence we're doing nothing in our shift for two weeks. The reason is not really clear but I don't want to dwell in it because I enjoyed it.             
Who woudn't enjoy it? For two weeks, your trainer will like babysit you by facilitating in playing games like charades, taboo, etc.. just to kill the time. And here's the catch, with PAY! Yes, you read it right! We are paid for just doing nothing.
And tonight, it will be totally a different scene and I'm sure I will not enjoy it. Those games and babysittings are gone. We're going to start our Process Training. (Sigh!)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Quatorze - Just Ckecking You Out

Hi guys! What's up? How are you now? I am really exhausted. I just arrived from work. Hahaha. FINALLY!!
I am just dropping buy. It's been days that I wasn't able to post here. If I have time I'll just tell you in details what happened to my first day of work....
See you guys!!! Wish me luck and pray for me.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Treize - This is it!

Yes, this is it! This is really is it! 
While writing just morning in my third installment of my post "A Sign?", I got a call from the company informing me to report to their office this afternoon, 4pm. And here's the good news guys. According to the man who called me, we're going to start TOMORROW!
Yehey! At last I will be starting tomorrow and HOPEFULLY it will not be postponed or delayed AGAIN. I am now keeping my fingers crossed guys! Hopefully you'll pray for me....(laugh...!)
Ohh... can't wait for my first PAY DAY!!!!


Douze - A Sign? (Part 3, The Last)

Guys, don't say your congratulations to me FIRST! It's not yet the end of my story. (LAUGH!!!)
Eventhough I already have a job offer and an ACCOUNT, it seems that the circumstance is against me, or maybe I am just PARANOID!
We had our job offer and contract signing on 30 May 2008 and our starting date was 20 June 2008. I was thinking then that evrything's gonna be alright and I was beaming with joy and excitement.
Days before our starting date I was really excited. I prepared all the things I needed for my BIG DAY! Unfortunately, in a twist of FATE, on the 19th,  our company called informing me that our INDUCTION on the 20th was postponed and advised me to just wait for their call next week. 
Damn! I feel like I was poured by a boiling water all over my body. I was so disappointed. I just don't know WHAT and HOW  to feel about it.
I just kept myself cool and think POSITIVE about the NEGATIVENESS of the news. I just waited for their call the following week, from 22 June - 28 June 2008, but to no avail. 
Within this week, I was also exchanging notes, sentiments and agony with my batchmates. And I learned that they all received a CALL and they were scheduled to go the office for an OPERATIONAL INTERVIEW (I was surpired to hear about it...I do not know there was another interview!). I felt so BAD and I was SMOKING with DISAPPOINTMENT and ANGER! Why on earth I was left with this ordeal?
Come July 1st, 11:35am, I got a call from the company! I was so HAPPY! They said I'll just have to wait for another call next week for the schedule of my OPERATIONAL INTERVIEW. According to them, we were transferred to another ACCOUNT that is why those problems arise.
I was just thinking that maybe all those delays were  a SIGN that CALL CENTER is not really for me and I have to find another job...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Onze - A Sign (Part 2)

The day after my FINAL INTERVIEW I got a call from the "company" informing me that I PASSED again and in the evening (6pm) was our orientation for our four-day training! I was so elated because I didn't expect it.
I went to the orientation that night. In the orientation I learned that the training will not give us security to get the job. We have to pass the ASSESSMENT in the last day of the training.                    
In the first day of the training, I was so excited that I woke up early. Who would not be excited? It's your first job!!! Hahaha. Unfortunately, I arrived late because I was lost. I didn't know the venue. I was 30 minutes late and my classmates were answering the pre-training written exam when I arrived.  
I ENJOYED our four-day training a lot ! I had 17 classmates; they were so COOL. We constantly get along and we're like we've known one another for so long. We laughed, laughed, laughed. I don't want to elaborate it. We all had a good time and to think we had PHP 300.00 FOOD AND TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE a day!
We RELISHED the 4-day training but we HATED the last day because it was our JUDGMENT DAY! Our assessment. Damn! It was really frightening. We were all nervous and got strength from one another.
In our assessment, we were made to answer the phone and follow the direction of the person on the other line (which turned out to be the recruitment officers of the company). First, we read words and sentences correctly for them to evaluate our pronunciation, voice, etc. Then, the most difficult part, the CALL SIMULATION. A piece of paper was placed at the top of the table, written on it were the necessary details for a certain account. We were given 2 minutes to study it and the person on the other line will play a customer asking for the solution of his problem. And what you have to do is to give solution to the problem the best way you could.                          
Luckily, almost all of us passed; 2 persons didn't make it.
Off we go to our job offer!!! Hehe